For business-owning mums who want more time, space, and freedom to focus on what matters most.

Imagine a life where you feel free to focus on what is REALLY important to you.

I know you’ve been putting up with doing the same thing every day.
Putting up with the feeling that this is how life is now. It’s just always going to be chaotic.
You feel like you’re never going to have enough time for everything.
You feel like you’re a step behind everything.

It doesn’t have to be like this!

Imagine getting the important shit done, to then spend more quality time with your family, where you are relaxed and bringing the fun back into your life. (because your mind isn't distracted by deadlines and to-do lists)

Imagine loving the heck out of the balanced existence you have created.

Wouldn’t that feel wonderful? I promise you; it feels amazing, and I’d love to help you get there too


I know you're exhausted.

Running a business, raising kids, and everything else you have to do.

It's a juggle. You're feeling overwhelmed with it all.

But you don't need to do it alone.


What my clients are saying…

  • "Working with Jen is working though the foundation of who you are and what you want. How to prioritise you and what matters, and most importantly, how to let go of all the things I thought I “SHOULD” be, and more of what I “NEEDED” to be. And with a foundation like that, anyone can be anything! I felt that I got what I always wanted and needed, I talked to someone who gets it! Talked to someone who pushed me and made me believe in me. The funny thing is, it was all there, all Jen did was show me how AMAZING it is. Something that I felt, no one in my life, before her, truly knew how to do."

    - Karlina, Brisbane

  • “Throughout the sessions, Jennifer was able to guide me to find the answers I already had within myself. Jennifer was professional, straightforward, helpful and explained each step of the session thoroughly. I found them so helpful, positive and encouraging. I loved that Jennifer was excited for me when I unlocked the knowledge within myself and that she was so invested in the sessions and was so positive about my journey. I highly recommend Jennifer for anyone considering coaching, it was an amazing experience and I am so grateful to Jennifer for her guidance and wisdom.”

    - Bec, Adelaide

  • “I thank Jen for her support over the last few months. It’s been motivating, inspiring, and enabled me to move out of a bit of a black hole.”

    - Julie, Melbourne

  • “When I meet with Jen today – I described my brain as a ball of wool the kitten had chased all around the room! She really listened and helped me focus, guiding me to think into the future and breaking a goal down into achievable pieces. AND this afternoon I’ve already achieved something we talked about! Thanks Jen - it’s such a relief, my goals feel achievable.”

    - Jane, Sydney.

  • “Jen has been totally fabulous to work with. She’s helped me understand my negative self-talk, identify it, and change the behaviour. We have set up priorities, schedules and structure for my business to increase productivity and decrease anxiety and stress. It’s also been extremely helpful to brain dump all the thoughts in your head and get some clarity. Thanks again, Jen, for heading me in the right direction.”

    - Julie, Melbourne

  • Before working with Jen, I was seriously struggling with my mindset and standing in the way of my own success. Jen has reminded me of my why and I am now so excited about my business again and feel I've found my purpose. I had so many mental breakthroughs and "aha" moments and I was able to put my ultimate business goal into words and I now can't wait to get to work to achieving my goal. Anyone that is struggling with mindset, I highly recommend booking with Jen. She's amazing! Thank you again Jen.

    Sabrina, Sydney

  • I run a high-stress creative agency and often felt like I didn't give the same attention to my personal life and wellbeing as I did my business. I decided it was time to find a coach because I was burnt out, not eating well and generally not prioritising self-care or making time for the things I love. I wanted to show up at work and in my relationships as the best version of myself and I knew I needed to make big changes to get there. Working with Jen made a huge impact on my habits and behaviours by changing my mindset and giving me the tools to actually get things done and stick to a routine! I've tried so many things in the past to reach my goals, but I would always fall back into the day-to-day 'just surviving' tasks and would never get anywhere with my larger goals. Jen and I connected in an initial session, and even though I was skeptical about creating the habits I needed to in such a short time, the first session gave me a sense that something was going to be different this time. Jen's process of breaking things down into smaller, more specific tasks has been the most effective I've tried so far. I have created small daily habits that support me in my journey to reaching my goals and in turn I have a much healthier work life balance. Thank you, Jen!

    - Leanne, Melbourne


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