The Joy
Restoration Project

For business-owning mums who want more time, space, and freedom to focus on what matters most.

I see you over there…

  • You have so much to do, but you can never seem to get ahead. Your days are filled with chaos and nothing ever seems to get finished - At least, not to the standard you'd expect from yourself.

  • What you really want is to have a successful, fulfilling business that doesn't take you away from your family and runs like clockwork (even when you're not there!) You already know what you need to do. You don’t need someone to teach you the strategy.

  • You have so many ideas for your business, but there always seems to be a competing priority more worthy of your attention. You just need someone to help you get out of your own way!

  • Your business has so much potential. If you could just take the time to do the things that would make it grow, instead of overthinking your decisions and putting them off until "one day when you're ready", you know you'd be unstoppable.

  • You're constantly being pulled in all directions, and your work/life balance is completely out of alignment. It feels impossible to keep everyone happy!


Instead, imagine getting the important shit done, to then spend more quality time with your family, where you are relaxed and bringing the fun back into your life.

Imagine loving the heck out of the balanced existence you have created.

What would life look like then?

The Joy Restoration Project is for you if…

Did you know, that the average person wastes around two hours a day? Across a working week, that’s “boom!” 10 hours, just gone.

And I know what you’re thinking. That I’m all about cramming as many completed to-do lists, tasks and projects into a day, to be able to get it all done, right?

No freakin’ way! I don’t want you to add more to your overflowing plate!

But, imagine if you got really intentional about the things you have to do.

It would mean being able to spend your time doing the things you love, that are important to you, and that bring joy back into your life.

I see you over there, procrasti-scrolling on social media and binging Netflix.

You're tidying your house and folding the washing as if your life depends on it,

and sorting out your kitchen cupboards has never been more important.

You're saying 'yes' to everyone (except yourself), and "Shiny Object Syndrome" is your new best friend.

You'll use any excuse to avoid what needs to be done.


When it comes to the important stuff, you just don't seem like you can take action.

Meanwhile, your business is waiting for you to level up and take action.

And it’s not like you haven’t tried working on all this. But every time you start, something or someone distracts you and takes away any free time you had. You tell yourself that when you have a spare moment, you’ll figure it all out.

But believe me, there's a better, less burnt-out way.

Working with Jen is working though the foundation of who you are and what you want.
How to prioritise you and what matters, and most importantly, how to let go of all the things I thought I “SHOULD” be, and more of what I “NEEDED” to be.
And with a foundation like that, anyone can be anything! I felt that I got what I always wanted and needed, I talked to someone who gets it! Talked to someone who pushed me and made me believe in me.
The funny thing is, it was all there, all Jen did was show me how AMAZING it is. Something that I felt, no one in my life, before her, truly knew how to do.
— Karlina | Brisbane

What we'll work on together:

Everyone is different, and everyone's journey is going to look different as well.

So no cookie-cutter one size fits all approach here. But here’s a selection of things I do typically work on with my clients:

A Little Thing I Like to Call the 'Life Audit'.

  • I want to get to know who you are and what we’re up against.

  • We'll go through it all - Daily routines, an overview of family life, work-life, personal life.

  • We will Identify what’s missing, where your priorities are, and what areas you want to upgrade.

Let's Get Some Things Straight.

  • Get really clear about what you want to achieve in the future by concentrating on action and goal planning, to develop momentum and motivation towards a version of your life that feels glorious.

  • Many of my clients find that by simply talking to me about everything that’s going on, we start to make some sense and even make massive progress in the first session.

  • Reflect on what brings you joy and happiness and re-introduce these into your life. (You know those things you loved doing, and used to do before your life got stressy and messy?) We’re bringing them back!

It's Just a Habit.

  • We'll identify your daily habits and behaviours so we can start working on developing more effective habits that you can easily incorporate into your current lifestyle - small changes for a big impact!

  • You'll learn how habits are created - so you understand how and why they're so important

  • Management of expectations around motivation, what to expect, and self-compassion if you don’t stick to the new routine at first. (No more beating yourself up and feeling guilty because you “didn’t do the thing you said you would”)

  • Intentionally design your week - We’ll create a daily routine and schedule that works for YOU, so you are able to get more done, without adding extra to your to-do list (And no, we’re not going to make a schedule that is so regimented, you're timing your toilet breaks!)

That Pesky Inner Critic.

  • Limiting beliefs - You know those things that you tell yourself, about not being good enough, you won't be successful, you're not doing a good job, you can’t get anything done? We'll get to the bottom of what you're saying to yourself and discover how to confront your inner critic by asking yourself the right questions. (Kicking that inner-critic’s ass is so empowering, trust me.)


It’s time to make a decision for yourself, and for the life you want to create.

Are you going to keep doing what you’re doing?

Wasting your day, procrastinating, getting in your own way, overthinking, doubting your brilliance?

Or are you going to tell yourself that now is the time to do something for YOU?

Something you know you’ve always wanted and needed.


What you get:

  • 8 x weekly one-hour coaching sessions via zoom so you can really dig deep and get everything you need out of your cluttered head and into actionable tasks

  • 15-minute weekly check-in calls to keep you focused and talk through anything that has come up for you

  • Easy to complete worksheets and exercises to give you an understanding of yourself and your life. Homework??

    Yeah, I know. But for this to really work, you need to put in the work. (It's easy, I promise)

  • Tools for self-coaching that will last you a lifetime. The things that you put in place in these sessions will empower you to use your intuition and back yourself

  • Regular messaging during business hours to ensure you feel supported every step of the way

  • ME! Keeping track of your progress and focus, holding you accountable for making it all happen.

  • Ass kicking (in a kind-hearted way of course!) when required

With me in your corner, you soon realise you're not doing it all on your own anymore.


Would You Rather…


Spend squillions with a coach who uses the same techniques and one size fits all approach with every client, not bothering to get to know the real you, your business, your family, and your life?

Be on a live group call with 40+ people getting no one-to-one time or attention to focus on YOUR needs and what’s important to you?

Spend the next year feeling the same, doing the same thing, wondering if it will get any better, hoping that maybe your life will just sort itself out?



Would you prefer to create a specific action plan that works for YOU and your life, and have personalised guidance and support with me from the very first session?

Instead be the only person that has my attention at every session, giving you the space to discuss all the things that you need to get off your chest.

Take the step towards elevating your life and achieving that sense of joy and harmony in which all elements of your life function, so that you can actually enjoy it.

Before working with Jen, I was seriously struggling with my mindset and standing in the way of my own success. Jen has reminded me of my why and I am now so excited about my business again and feel I’ve found my purpose again. I had so many mental breakthroughs and aha moments and I was able to put my ultimate business goal into words and I now can’t wait to get to work to achieving my goal. Anyone that is struggling with mindset and feeling like they’re ready to throw in the towel, I highly recommend booking in with Jen. She’s amazing! Thank you again Jen.
— Sabrina, Sydney

Bring the Joy Back to Your Life TODAY!


Total Investment $1,440AUD


Here’s a recap…

About Me

Hi, I’m Jen!

I’m a mindset and productivity coach. I'm privileged to guide and support business owning mums to bring back the joy to their lives.

For so long, we've been taking on the bulk of the mental load, and extra work our families need to thrive.

I truly believe it's time to find a better balance that works for everyone and stops the sensation that life is one big chore.

I’ve made it my mission to find the joy in my own life and teach others how to find theirs.

I was a part-time working mum, struggling with doing it all. Working, doing the mum thing, studying, and everything else that needed to be done.

I was swamped with mum guilt. I felt I was not spending enough quality time with my daughter. The house seemed like it was always a mess. I felt unorganised and unmotivated. The feeling of overwhelm was always hanging around. I knew there had to be a better way. I mean, what sort of a role model was I being for my own kids, if I never prioritised my own wellbeing?

So, I got help. And in doing so, I was inspired to help other mums going through the same challenges as I was. I completed my Professional Coaching certification at The Life Coaching Academy and began Something Glorious Coaching. Since then, I've been supporting other business-owning mums to restore the balance between their family and work demands and actually enjoy the ride (even on the dodgy days).

If you're a business-owning mum starting the day with dread instead of hope, it's time to do something about it. The Joy Restoration Project will give you the time and freedom you'd always imagined when you started your business... so let's do this!

Let's make your life something glorious,

~ Jen x


Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you're a business-owning mum, who has lost the spark for life, and the stress of work and family life is starting to get to you... this is for you.

    If you want to re-create your life, to bring back that feeling where everything is flowing and working together... this is for you.

    If you're ready to step up and take action to move towards a life that gives you the time to focus on what's really important to you... this is for you.

  • The Joy Restoration Project is all about YOU!

    That means 8 x 1:1 one-hour coaching sessions via zoom.

    Each session is weekly.

    As soon as you sign up, we can book your first session, and get started

  • Yes!

    I totally get that you may not have access to the total payment upfront.

    But there's a way we can both win!

    I want to make this an investment that is manageable for you.

    Send me a message, or email me at and we can set up a plan for you right now.

    If you know it's your turn to get your life sorted, and get that spring back in your step, then I want the Joy Restoration Project to be accessible to you!

  • This is a big step. I get it. It feels risky.

    We're all entitled to change our minds.

    But why not give it a go?

    Back yourself and see what can happen when you have me in your corner.

    I will do my very best to help you restore the joy in your life, but it’s simply not possible to guarantee your results.

    However, I truly believe, that if you put the work into the program, we can really create something glorious.

    But if you truly feel that this isn't for you, I will refund any funds for sessions not yet completed.

    All I ask is that you are completely honest with yourself, and me.

  • I love questions. Bring em on!

    Please send me a message or email me at and I will be more than happy to answer them.

  • Woohoo! I'm so excited for you!

    Once your payment has gone through, you will receive a welcome email where you can book in your first session.

    It's that easy!

I highly recommend Jennifer and Something Glorious for anyone considering life coaching, it was an amazing experience and I am so grateful to Jennifer for her guidance and wisdom.”

— Bec, Adelaide