Find your joy, choose your path, and live your best life.


Hi there! I’m Jen. I’m a Mindset and Productivity Coach.

I'm privileged to guide and support business-owning mums to bring back the joy to their lives.

For so long, we've been taking on the bulk of the mental load, and extra work our families need to thrive.

I truly believe it's time to find a better balance that works for everyone and stops the sensation that life is one big chore. I've made it my mission to find joy in my own life and teach others how to find theirs. 

But this wasn’t always my story…

Back in 2017, I had just returned to work after having my daughter Audrey. I enjoyed my job. But I had an overwhelming feeling that there was something more that I should be doing with my life. 

After months of soul searching, all I had worked out was that I wanted to help other women not feel like me. I didn't want other women to sit at home, stressing about the housework. Or be racked with mum guilt, and feeling like they were not living their best life.

But how? Who should I talk to?

I just didn’t know…so I turned to Google for the answer (because Google knows everything, right?). Well, I got lucky and I found my answer. I wanted – no – I needed to be a life coach.

Filled with passion and purpose, I enrolled with The Life Coaching Academy. And the rest is history, right? Nope!

Studying was hard.

I was working part-time and swamped with mum guilt. I felt I was not spending enough quality time with Audrey. The house seemed like it was always a mess. I felt unorganised and unmotivated. And I was constantly asking myself, is there room for me to be something other than mum?

I struggled with fear and negative self-talk. Telling myself that I wasn’t worthy of ever getting what I truly desired.

I struggled with discipline, wondering if I would ever finish my course and live the life of my dreams.


So how did I overcome all these feelings and reach my goals?

I worked with a Life Coach! 

Yep, I acknowledged that I needed help to work through everything that I was trying to do. And what better person to go to, than the very person I wanted to be?

I worked through the challenges that were keeping me stuck.  I am now a calmer, more balanced, and centred person. I have the knowledge and skills to deal with what comes up and still keep moving forward.

So, you see, I have been where you are. And I know that an amazing transformation awaits.

Now, I want to help you find your joy, choose your path, and live your best life.

I want to show you that you already have the answers to your questions. That you already have the abilities within yourself – you just need help to find them.

I’m here to help ignite your spark and be your cheerleader as you learn to live the life you’ve always wanted.

If you’re ready to dig deep, book a chat with me and we’ll see how we can turn your life into Something Glorious!

~ Jen x


“Working with Jen made a huge impact on my habits and behaviours by changing my mindset and giving me the tools to actually get things done and stick to a routine! I've tried so many things in the past to reach my goals, but I would always fall back into the day-to-day 'just surviving' tasks and would never get anywhere with my larger goals. Jen's process of breaking things down into smaller, more specific tasks has been the most effective I've tried so far. I have created small daily habits that support me in my journey to reaching my goals and in turn I have a much healthier work life balance. Thank you, Jen!” - Leanne, Melbourne.